Hey everyone! Just another quick post for today as I'm busy working on doll ornaments. I'm probably the last to hear about this website but I was excited to discover Kickstarter. This site allows artists, musicians and other creative people to share a proposal about an upcoming project they are planning and need help funding with. Each artist presents information/sketches/video on their idea and set a financial goal that they would like to reach that would enable them to realize thier project. Anyone can pledge whatever amount they wish to help out but the goal must be met within the time limit set by the artist. If the goal is not met by then , then those wishing to donate do not pay, if the amout is met or exceeded, then the artist receives the funds to help them with their project. Easy.
I wanted to share a project that one of my favorite Artists, Tom Haney, is working on with the musical band Little Tybee. I'm a big fan as you may know of Tom's autonoma work and can't wait to see this production completed. Check out the video above and the pledge site right here and if you have time, read up on some of the ideas being proposed on Kickstarter (and pledge of you can).
One last note..I'm receiving emails asking about when more ornaments will be available and if I can start a waiting list. To answer those questions, yes, I am working on several ornaments and I do not plan on starting a waiting list (I prefer to keep it on a first come first serve basis). Also if you were not included on the last email sent out about a shop update please send me your email at [email protected] ( mailing list only). I do not check that account often so if you have any questions/comments for me please send them to [email protected]. Sorry if that has confused anyone, I try to keep both accounts separate as it's easier for me to keep track of things :) One day I'll get all of that organized a bit better...yes, one day..have a good one!