"Frida", mixed media art doll~Image Mixed media Art Doll, 2009
Here is the latest Frida Art Doll~she is a bit larger than most of my dolls and includes elements of my previous Fridas from earlier this year and last. This is a portrayal of Frida in her latter years, her face aged due to years of pain (physical and emotional) yet she still maintains her regal /proud stance while tears fall from her unflinching gaze. Her corset (made of plaster bandages)reads : "La Frida que exite adentro de mi es conocida solamente por mi" (The Frida that exists inside is known only to me).
The older Frida holds a marionette of her younger self as a way of expressing how she takes responsibility for the choices she has made in her life, no matter the circumstances she found herself in. Her bare chest is partially covered with gold flakes (a reminder of the trolley accident that nearly took her life at 17). She is holding a human heart, a ribbon wraps around it with the words " El corazon de Diego~ El que suministra todo amor y dolor" (Diego's heart~the one that supplies every love and pain).
From the heart an artery twists upward around her arm and penetrates through her corset, connecting to her own heart. In her other arm she holds a Frida dove, serene, eyes closed with a broken wing protected in her arms. A ribbon cascading from her hand reads a quote from her diary " Mi Diego~ Yo no estoy solo. ¿ Alas? Tú me acompañas. Tu me duermes y me a vivas." ( My Diego~I am no longer alone. Wings? You keep me company. You lull me to sleep and make me come alive). The bird represents her spirit~at times broken but on the mend and ready to rise above all that trys to bring her down.
I will include a doll description (materials used) later when she is for sale.
In the meantime I must make another disappearing act as my parents just arrived in town last night and we're headed out for the day. I'll be occupied with family stuff the next two weeks but will do my best to post some of the new Day of the dead dolls when they're ready. It was probably wishful thinking to assume I would get alot done in regards to my dolls this Summer but I have to remind myself that at least I did create a few and I think they are among my best work yet :)
Thank you so much for all of your emails ,birthday wishes and continued support and encouragement!
Have a great week!