(click images to enlarge)
¡Bienvendio! Welcome to the Dia de Bloglandia~an online celebration of the Dia de los Muertos! This traditional Mexican event takes place every November 1st and 2nd ,the Days of the Dead, when the souls of the departed are believed to return and join their families and friends in the land of the living. It is a religious and social event in which departed loved ones are honored and remembered. I have chosen to do the same with both my relatives and that of my husbands. They are the departed relatives of my son, Andres, who shares a rich ethnic background with them including a Mexican and Peruvian ancestory. My husband kindly built me a small Alter/Shrine in the form of a "Casa" to house three dolls I made for this post~ with each doll representing a part of my son's Mexican Heritage ~the traditional Catrina Doll, artist Frida Kahlo and the Virgen de Guadalupe.
Enjoy this visual tribute :)
music to accompany post:
There is a lot more celebrating going on! Visit other blogs participating in Dia De Bloglandia by heading on over to Stepahnie's Blog "Rodrigvitz Style" for links of the participants!(or you can click here for the list) . Thanks to Stephanie and and Susanna for hosting this event.And if you haven't entered my Doll Giveaway yet be sure to do so by Nov. 10th. These three dolls will be included in my next shop update and the winner will get to choose one of 23 dolls (including one of these ladies) as their prize before they go on sale!
(update: Frida doll not for sale as she was chosen by the winner of my giveaway!)